Directs web business and phone calls to the PHILLIPINES Atlanta Georgia

Internet & Web

I recently went to a website advertising Earthlink web hosting services. Being familiar with their name from years past I did not heitate to enter a credit card number as payment for their service. When I hit the 'complete transaction' button I was sent to a dead link - no log on info, no account number - nothing. A few minutes later I got an e-mail saying I would be 'contacted by an Earthlink rep soon.'

A day later I have not been contacted and have no access, but someone has my credit card number.

I called the telephone number on the web site and was connected with a female who could not find any information but again asked for my credit card number. I asked what city she was in and she would not tell me, but quickly put me on hold and passed me off to someone else. I pressed the new person and finally she admitted that she was not even in the United States but was working in the Phillipines. Earthlink is outsourcing our jobs to foreign soil and non-Americans.

When I asked to be given a number in my own country she flatly refused, albeit in a canned, sugary way, doubtless written by some moron at Earthlink in Atlanta (if indeed any part of that company remains on American soil.

IMHO - Companies that outsource American jobs to foreign nations are no better than the terrorists who kill our countrymen. The owners and principles at Earthlink are traitors just as surely as those who blow up buildings or side with religious zealots against their own kind. Beware of Earthlink, Mindspring and all of their affiliated countries

Company: Earthlink
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Earthlink Communications
Sold services which do not exist, withdrew charges for same fom credit card without permission ripoff

Earthlink billing

Ripoff EARTHLINK charge for one year of services I did not ask fo

Unable to close the Earthlink account

Eos Cca
Collection for Earthlink

Helio An Earthlink Company
Ripoff, If you think Earthlink is bad wait till you do buisiness with Helio


Make Sure You Get A Confirmation Number When You Cancel. Ripoff!

Ripoff will not acknowledge receipt of cancellation request sent through UPS

Bought employees are required to surrendor their patents