Power Brands Consulting LLC
PowerBrands US Horrible Business Practices

Internet & Web

I first started dealing with Power Brands on March 1st 2011 to help me develop a line of Energy Shots. It wasnt till August that I finally paid them to start developing my Energy Shot. Now the only reason I am responding to this consumer complaints is that I have now seen many other companies that have had complaints. Never meeting them in person was my first mistake but after a few phone calls and doing some research I seen the success they had in developing other brands. These are the problems that we had to overcome. Once PowerBrands received our Paycheck the communication with them almost came to a hault. We would go as far as calling every single department they had to get someone to answer the phone.infact it was always the graphic designer that we only could get ahold of. Marty Brown was in charge of our account and verbally told me that it would take a maximum of 60 days to have my product developed and ready for production if we did everything on a timely manner.

Well the first flavor that they sent us we chose. Literally didn't even ask for a second flavor. Then it was time to devlop the graphics for the bottle. We were sent 3 pics and they were not that appealing. I spoke to Kris in graphics and basically told him what I wanted and a few weeks later he responded with our design. This is where we really started to have trouble. I have been in the c-store biz my whole life and knew that energy shots were the number one growing product in c-stores. So time was of the essence for us to get our product out. After we picked our flavor and bottles which took 2 emails to decide it became clear to me that they were not interested in handling our account in a timely manner. We called and emailed multiple times just to get co-packer information and also our ingredient info. When we finally recieved the co-packer info and contacted the co-packers I really started to worry. The first co-packers website did not even exist. Then number provided was not in service. Then the rest of the co-packers didnt even have the equipment to co-pack energy shots. Therefore as Power Brands insisted on being pro's in the energy shot world I would think that they would know someone who could do the job I was asking.

Finally after several months with no help from them we were able to find a co-packer to make our product. Only problem was that they wouldnt release our batch ingredients to us. Many Many Excuses came from emails but after a month we received them but this is when I found out that the person in Charge of our account had left the company. Not a call or an email to let us know that the person in charge of our account was no longer with the company. Luckily for us its been over a year and were growing more and more every day. What bothers me the most is after getting to learn the business that we didnt even need powerbrands to develop our shot. We have had 3 more flavors developed and another brand all for the cost of ZERO. Also during this time they were developing another energy shot that was in development the same time as us. Come to find out they were basically taking my whole idea and marketing aspect of it and working with the other company.

Now this company probally spent more then 15,000 dollars and wasnt a group of 20 year olds calling them everyday. They had millions of dollars and a celeberity to be the face of it. So if you have millions of dollars PowerBrands will treat you like gold. If your a small pea they will treat you like a small pea. If anyone would like an energy shot and or drink developed I would be glad to help you out.

Company: Power Brands Consulting LLC
Country: USA
Address: 16501 Sherman Way Suite 225
Phone: 8007309445
Site: powerbrands.usandmultipleother
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