Time Warner Cable
"Roommate Policy"

Internet & Web

I phoned Time Warner Cable to set up new TV and internet service last week. After selecting a package that worked for me, it came time to set up the installation date. The customer service rep then advised me that I would not be able to get service at my address because the tenant who lived at my address/apartment number... 5 years ago... Had an outstanding bill. They refer to this as the "roommate policy". I've never met this person, and have no connection to them aside from the fact that I live at the same address that he did.

There's more.

By this point, I'm getting frustrated, but there's no point in taking my frustration out on the representative. Surely something can be worked out. No reason I should be penalized for someone else's bill from years ago, right? I ask to speak to a supervisor, and I'm transferred. At this point I get a supervisor on the line, she takes all of my info again and I calmly explain the situation. She seems sympathetic to my problem and goes ahead and places the order with an installation date of the following Thursday (yesterday, as I write this). I pay the first month's bill with my credit card on the phone (~$100). I take off of work early so I can be there when the installer comes between 4-6pm. Around 6:30, no signs of an installer, so I call Time Warner to see if there's a problem. At this point, I'm advised that my installation has been cancelled by the 'auditing department' because of the red flag on my address. I'm also told that the "supervisor" that I spoke with on the first call was in fact, NOT a supervisor and should not have taken my order. It was really nice of them to not call me and advise that the order had been cancelled... And I didn't take 2 hours off of work to be there for an installer who was never going to arrive. I'm told that the only way I can get service is if I pay the outstanding bill on my address, from someone who I have never even met, to the tune of $460.

The sad part? I'm going to end up paying it. I have no choice. They're the only provider in my area, and I need the internet for school/work. This roommate policy is ridiculous, especially the fact that it can't be waived. I'm not trying to scam them, and there's no reason that I should be held accountable for someone else's actions from years ago. This really is unbelievable.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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