Will not remove inaccurate business information

Internet & Web

WhitePages.com refuses to take responsibility for the outdated information they publish in their business listings.

For seven months, we have tried to get them to remove two listings for our business that have completely outdated information and to correct one listing that lists a phone number that is no longer in service. Their response every time has been that they simply republish information supplied by their information providers and that we need to contact the original sources of the information, which in our case are CityGrid and ExpressUpdate.

In fact, we have contacted these information providers. They have been extremely cooperative and have been disseminating the correct data for months, yet WhitePages refuses to clean up the data on its own site, even though we have sent them the specific URLs of the incorrect listings.

This is a serious problem because WhitePages is a major source of information to Google. We believe they may be the reason Google continues to publish an outdated phone number that is available almost nowhere else on the Internet. This has confused current and potential customers, and has done untold damage to our business. We have spent months trying to clean up the mess.

Unless WhitePages starts taking responsibility for the false data they are propagating, they are exposing themselves to potential legal action. We recommend that you boycott WhitePages.com and use a more responsible online directory.

Company: WhitePages
Country: USA
Site: whitepages.com
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Removal or personal information

Did not fully remove my personal information from their main website or mobile site, the mobile site has my full street address and map showing exactly where I live, placed 4 requests and got only on

Dri*elements.com Peoplefinder.com
Fraudulent charge to my bank account. JUST from clicking on whitepages.com site

Astar All Seasons Travel and Resort

Advance Detective - advancedetective.com
Ripoff $19.95 for links to verizon whitepages, bigfoot, etc

Idearc Media
Idearc incompetency reigns supreme



Nationwide Consumer Information Service
Third Tracer Business-Do not be a victim! Hagerman, Idaho

Consumer Report