Removal or personal information

Internet & Web

Whitepages.com continues to take requests to remove my personal address info from their site, but week after week, month after month, either the info gets removed then comes back in a month, or simply does not ever get removed.

I HAVE a po box and use that and not the street address. I have called whitepages.com at 206-973-5100 and discussed this with their people several times over the past year. I have done their REMOVE MY LISTING several times, and my listing continues to be on their site. Any useful suggestions here?

They try to be helpful and CLAIM to be working on it, but they just claim 'it is a bug in our system' and my info continues to be published on their site.

I do not give out my street address and am getting frustrated with them. I have removed myself from other online sites. This is the only one that continues to be a problem.

Company: Whitepages.com
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Seattle
Site: whitepages.com
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Did not fully remove my personal information from their main website or mobile site, the mobile site has my full street address and map showing exactly where I live, placed 4 requests and got only on

Will not remove inaccurate business information

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