Scare Tactic Advertisements

Internet & Web

I received a pretty disturbing LinkedIn message the other day from
someone claiming to have knowledge of compromised systems within my
company's internal network...

I saw your post about security. I am in security as well. Maybe we could meet up as I am in Baltimore. I am doing some consulting for

Check it out it is pretty incredible stuff. I can show you all of 's compromised machines from the Botnet network and our software by not going to your network. It is insane.

After visiting Seculert using a browser with paranoid security settings (yay NoScript!), I found they actually appear to be a "legitimate" company... Although I use the term lightly based upon the above message. They apparently offer "intelligence-based cyber threat management" through searching the internet. No different from setting up some well
written Google alerts really.

What's really interesting is that this spam message came from a LinkedIn profile which is highly recommended by managers from SourceFire and Tenable Network Security.

I replied to this message from trying to obtain more information to verify the validity of his claims, and received absolutely no response. I performed several searches for similar spam messages, but couldn't find any. So perhaps this is a new advertising technique they are testing? I'm curious to hear their response.

I performed a little research on Seculert, and couldn't find much. has been around since 01/03. The domain is hidden by "DomainsByProxy", and the website provides basic details for contact information, listing the company as originating in Petach-Tikva, Israel.

Seculert's Twitter account has been active since August. They have 282 followers, and follow no-one. Only 36 tweets have been sent.

Seculert's LinkedIn page states they have between 1-10 employees.

Based upon the above info, this is most likely a "real" company... But I really question:

1) Their advertisement "scare tactics" and

2) The value of their services, when you can setup Google Alerts to perform the same functions.

I encourage Seculert to reply here, especially to address my concerns regarding scare tactic spamvertisements over LinkedIn.

Company: Seculert
Country: USA
City: Petach-Tikva
Address: Mota Gur 7, Petach-Tikva, Israel
Phone: 97239193366
  <     >  


Peggy McKee
Career Confidential spams LinkedIn groups constantly. Uses fake accounts is the best networking tool

Linkedin a fraud social network, hacking users data and sell linkedin are hackers hack your uploaded data/files, linkedin are hackers hack your uploaded data/files's summary linkedin ha cc

Linkedin Corporation
Deceptive, uncaring, unresponsive, unethical, unprofessional
Account Home Page

Michael Hurley Private Fraud Security Investigator
Michael Hurley Private Fraud Tracking Service Network Flooded the internet with a allegid scam by by a land scaping college in Arizona, but gives no credentials for himself and offers no contact information

LinkedIn Corporation
Beware of LinkedIn - they create phony profiles and charge you to remove or update
Fake Follows

Benjamin Bikko ESQ, Barelvis Wells ESQ
Consumer Report
Social Media Add, Sells Fake Twitter Facebook Followers Fraudulent Company Doesn't Exist Fake