Clear Internete does not repair broken towers. No internet service provided

Internet & Web

As of Thursday May 17 Clear wireless has not provided internet service in the 89102 area of Las Vegas. I called their tech support at 10 am to report the problem. They told me to reset my device and unplug the modem, etc. I already did all that before calling them, but, to make things easier I did it again.

I have called them 5 times over the last 2 days and they keep giving me the run-around. I know for a fact that their service is down in my area! They have a tower located at Industrial Rd & Southbridge Ln (which is only a 5 minute walk from my apartment).

I tried getting service at multiple locations near my apartment. I literally unplugged my modem and took it to the laundry room, the library, the local convenience store and another apartment complex. I plugged it in and reset in all these places within a 1500 ft of my apartment. Their was no signal at any of these locations!

Finally, I took the modem to a location on the corner of Paradise & Sahara. The signal was perfect their! They also have another tower located there!

I called tech support and told them several times that something is physically wrong with their tower on Industrial & Southbridge. They are lazy and refuse to send someone to check on it! They want to solve problems by sitting in their office and pressing buttons. They never once sent anyone out to physically check their tower!

They are ripping me off! I am paying for a service that they have stopped providing. They refuse to make proper repairs to their equipment! This company is a ripoff. It is now Saturday May 19 and they claim that they've fixed their tower. Liars! If their tower was repaired I wouldn't be typing this from the library!

To be perfectly honest, I think that they neglect to repair that tower because this is a low income area and they don't have many customers near here. Well, I'm here and I want the service that I paid for.

Company: Clear Internete
Country: USA
Phone: 18888883113
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