My Computer Club
Cancelled Membership - No Refund - Custom Service Horrible San Diego California

Internet & Web

I joined My Computer Club (MCC) several months ago and paid a $89.95 membership fee. I jointed the club to purchase a computer. I ran into a snag and realized I would not be using my membership. I called on July 1 to cancel my membership and request that the membership fee be refunded.

MCC said that I would receive my refund in 14-21 business days. Well it's been over a month now and no refund check. I called to see why I hadn't got my refund the gentleman said "you haven't received it yet? You should get it tomorrow. The next day no check, the next day no check.

I called once again this time I spoke with a female and she said they had no record of a check being mailed out for me. She said she would put it in priority mail (8/5/04).

With the history of untruthfulness I have been experiencing with MCC I called back and got a different female. I asked her if my check could be mailed overnight since they were at fault. She said in a snotty manner no it will be mailed the way the person you just talked to said it would be.

I checked the mail today no refund check. I called back. A young man answered. I asked him when I would receive my refund check. He said very harshly "we put it in the mail to that address". I said "when did you put it in the mail. He said August 9 - today.

I said you are just not putting in the mail. He said pardon me in a harsh manner as if he were going to choke me or something. I just hung up the phone.

MCC is a multi-million dollar company and 89.95 is a drop in the hat for them. However, for me every cent counts. I was expecting the refund during a certain period as they had originally told me and did not receive.

MCC does not care or have any regard for customers. All I want is my $89.95 refund expeditously.

Company: My Computer Club
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 501 W. Broadway Plaza Suite 321
Phone: 8775322800
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