Start your own internet site, used the amazon name to say you were there search station

Internet & Web

I wanted to find ideas on how to make some extra money, this website came up to give ideas on how to start your own web page, I registered for 1, I then recieved several phone calls from Arizona telling me how to achieve this, I told them I was not interested as this was not my thing.
I never heard anymore from them, until I checked threw my bank statements and saw their name. They have taken around 30 from my account. I checked the company out and have seen serveral complaints about this company taking unauthourised debit from credit and debit cards. Please be warned dont register for anything that costs a 1.

Somerset England

Company: Nethostfee
Country: USA
State: Arizona
  <     >  


The company took money from my bank account without my knowledge

Start-up Essentials - A1 Leasing
What these companies offer is a total farce-don't sign up with their lies!

Ihire LLC
Pos debit station oper, llc ihire llc credit card fraud

Dcl Env, Inc
Made electronic debit from my checking account without authorization

Taking unauthorized money from my bank account Marina Del Rey

Direct TV complaints - ALL Glendale
Consumer Report

TRS Recovery
Trs - morons have just begun harassment, see where it goes

Emillionaire Systems
Brock Felt This internet comp. Said they would send you a program to start a internet home based company for less than 2 dollars. But charged my bank account $47.00 (unauthorized) and sent me nothing GL Endale AZ
Consumer Report