Verizon fios
Extrremely Frustrated Football Fan - Fios TV, internet package

Internet & Web

I subcribed to, and then cancelled NFL Red Zone, through Verizon FIOS, our "cable alternative" provider. After realizing it was not exactly what I was expecting, I called back to cancel. Mind you, this was a few hours after subscribing to it. I was told that I wouldn't be charged for it, and I figured that was the end of this.

Unfortunately, it was not. That month, I saw the first of 4 installments for the NFL Red Zone. (1 of 4, each at $12.50 plus tax, for a total of $50 approximately.) I immediately called customer service and was told that the $12.50 would be credited back to my account the next billing cycle.
Of course, when I got my January bill, there was no credit, and what did I see but payment 2 of 4, for another $12.50. I called customer service, and they did credit back the $25 Plus tax, which I appreciated, but they did say that the Red Zone would be off the account next time.
Well, I get this month's bill, and sure enough, I see installment 3 of 4, for yet another $12.50. I am so tired of this song and dance! Is it really so hard to remove a service I clearly cancelled?! I never watched more than 15 minutes of this channel, and I don't even have access to it.

Very bad customer service. I am seriously considering going back to the local cable provider.

Company: Verizon fios
Country: USA
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