Express Group
REBATE rip-off!

Internet & Web

On March 22, we purchased a laptop for $1,174.49 with 2 rebates. One for a hundred and the other for 200. I kept calling to see where the second rebate is that was due to be mailed in 8-12 weeks.

I was first told that it was mailed on 7-13. Then today was told that it was mailed on 7-16-04. They won't do anything about this until after sept 15th then maybe will mail out another check maybe by october. I am really upset that this is taking so long to get a rebate that was promised to us. I thought paying this much for a laptop was high that is why the rebate sounded so great. Maybe with your help we can find out where my rebate is.


Company: Express Group
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8009540606
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Sears Rebate Center
Rebate Scam

Does not honor rebates

Office Depot
Office Depot Rebate Ripoff Creates Excuses not to Payoff Mesa Arizona

Siemens Rebate Center Promotion # 00-32900
Siemens rebate ripoff

Rebate mailed 11/29/03, processed 12/31/03, scheduled for payment March supposedly sent 3/3/04, still not received 3/16/04

Office Depot
I bought a product with the rebate, rebate was advertised but the rebate form was not available

Will not send rebate check
Scam company, doesnt give rebates, expect you to mail off items and doesnt give you time to submit paperwork


Express Group, Samsung
Express Group aka Samsung ripoff Fraud REBATE business cheats, deceives and lies to consumers