Daily Bread Givers Online Marketing
Instantmoneynetwork.com? No location

Internet & Web

So i called these people and got an obvious home residence phone. I did not have a phone that could recieve calls so I said Id call them back. I emailed this woman whom I called and found was located in san diego. I asked about the company name so I could check if it was real. I looked up daily bread givers online marketing in california on the bbb website and found nothing. On their video they say they are based in california. After not finding it I emailed again and asked for the real name and location of the company. She sent me back only this link.instantmoneynetwork.com/admin. It had no answers. This company did not seem to have anything to do with daily bread givers. Now very confused I emailed her again saying this was obviously shady, why couldnt she answer a simple question and that it was a scam and to prove it! She emailed me back saying: I'm sorry you feel that way. But this isn't a scam. Scams usually cost money it's free sign up and you can earn $20 per referral and if you chose to upgrade you won't be paying anymore that $20 on REAL credited offers and could get $100 a referral. From her answer it seemed like now you have to pay money for a referral to make 100 bucks on a real offer. Very confusing. They said in the video that we would make 80 bucks a referral. I emailed her none of this was mentioned and again asked for the NAME and LOCATION of the company. I said make sure im able to find it on the bbb website. PROVE IT! She emailed back: Email our support team: willsanders. Dailybreadgivers@gmail. ComPhone: 407-490-4046 (US & CA only) Business Hours: Monday Saturday 8AM4PM EST. She never gave me a location. The gmail address could just be a personal one. The phone number I traced to a verizon cellphone in Boston. Not a address or company where customer service is done. She wouldn't answer anymore emails from me. She basically proved it was a scam. If a company is real you should be able to find out very quickly. If theres any trouble answering that question or answering any questions and they act like a robot and give preprogrammed responses its probably a scam.

Company: Daily Bread Givers Online Marketing
Country: USA
Address: would not give location
Phone: 6199404896
Site: dailybreadgivers.com
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