Techie warehouse
Charged my credit card no product, no response to phone calls or e-mail Internet

Internet & Web

Purchased item 3/9. Recieved confirmation of transaction. Checked sight monday 3/12 order said shipped. Shipping from NY to PA 2-3 days regular mail. No tracking numbers on site. Filled out e-mail request for no response. Tracked down number 866-424-3399. Puts you into automated system that makes you wait on hold for 5 min then you have to leave a message. Happens every time no one there to answer phone. Buyer beware! No customer service at all. Would never buy from here again.

Company: Techie warehouse
Country: USA
Phone: 8664243399
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Techie Warehouse
Techie Warehouse 40-Day Delivery of Misrepresented Product... Don't Order From Them.internet

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