Monkee. co
Randall Thornberry and Scott Sanders Monkee.Co is a total scam! They will take your money and promise you a website and NEVER deliver! Buyer beware!

Internet & Web

Warning! Caution! Beware!!!

He lies about his credentials (ie., He went to MIT, is a super admin. At Facebook, was one of the original creators of Openstack, worked for WikiLeaks, was a hacker and has now been given special government protection... Blah blah blah)
The lies seem to get bigger and bigger the more you talk to him. He takes a deposit and has you sign a contract that signs away
ALL of your rights to your project. He NEVER gets back to you and drags things on and on until he thinks you will give up.
My friend and I went to him to help us buld our websites. He took a deposit of $500 each from us a (a total of $1000.00) and every week he has had a different excuse as to why he couldn't show us anything.
The first red flag was that he put up a "Coming Soon" landing page for my website. There were 3 spelling and punctuations errors in the two lined sentence. I immediately called him to please fix them.
It literally took him three weeks to to take down the page. When he did take down the page, he put up an entirely different website's company name. It wasn't even my company name! I had to hire another web designer to help me get the landing page fixed. It literally took him 10 minutes to replace the page.
He did in 10 minutes what Randall couldn't do in 4 weeks.
The list like this goes on and on...
Randall trolls Craigslist looking for unassuming people who have dreams of building their websites and spends his time meeting them and taking deposits instead of actually building anyones sites. My friend and I am now in the process of suing him for the $1000.00 deposit.
Frankly, I just want to warn other unsuspecting people out there about his unscrupulous behavior. I went to him with the enthusiasm and excitement of creating something and he flat out took advantage
He is a compulsive liar and manipulator and I would hate to see other people just trying to get a website built lose money like I did.By the way, The numbers now listed on his website don't even go to him. People answer and have NO idea who Randall Thornberry is or what Monkee.Co is!!!

Since posting my complaint about Randal Thornberry on various sites..
More and more people are coming forward telling me the same story.
One web designer even told me that:
"i noticed that under his portfolio he has some work that i did! Hahaha
i used to work in Groovetickets/Flavorus and he says he helped developed that. "Interesting information to say the least! I really hope we can stop Randall
from ripping off MORE innocent victims of their hard earned money.

About a week ago, one of Randall's "investors" named Michael Pierce called and told
me that they would refund us our money in 10 days. Well... Ten days came and went and they have never answered their phones and have completely avoided us.
Yes... Another huge lie.
Buyer beware! Monkee.Co is a total scam!!!

Company: Monkee. co
Country: USA
Phone: 4244003770
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Randall Thornberry
Monkee.Co and Scott Sanders Randall Thornberry of Monkee.Co is a total SCAM ARTIST AND LIAR. He ripped us off for $1000 and never delivered anything!

Randall Thornberry
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