PC Cleaners Inc
Buy one thing, they try to sell you something else

Internet & Web

My web browsers were taken over by what I suspected as malware, so I looked for online software to get rid of it. I chose PC Cleaner. First you download the "free scan, " then you pay $29.95 and they say they will send you an access code to run the program. I waited several hours to receive the code I was told would be sent via e-mail. Never came, so I called 800 number. Guy who answered insisted on logging into my computer. He said I had thousands of problems and needed a Microsoft Certified Tech to fix it. He compared the prices vendors like Geek Squad would charge, and said PC Cleaner would do it for $175. I said no thanks, send me my code. He persisted and I eventually cut off the call. I never received the code, never used the software, and requested a refund of my $29.95 the same day. PC Cleaner uses an online service, Avangate, for billing. Avangate has e-mailed PC Cleaner three times for permission to process my refund. Still nothing. I have filed a complaint with the BBB - PC Cleaner has a BBB badge on its site - and I am awaiting response. I am sure they hope people like me will give up; I read on the BBB site they talk alot of people into getting the more expensive service that screws up their computer. One more thing - the initial download screwed up my wireless connection. Stay away from these bait-and-switch crooks!

Company: PC Cleaners Inc
Country: USA
Address: 220 Newport Center Dr. Suite #197, Newport Beach
Phone: 18552656961
Site: pc-cleaners.com
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