24/7 Techies
Still Trying to Get Long-promised Refund

Internet & Web

IIt all started in late with a problem I was having synchronizing my BlackBerry with Outlook. After working on and off for weeks to get it resolved myself (I do PC support as a side gig) I was resigned that I was needing help. So, I gave 24/7 techies a try, both to see if they could get the problem resolved and provide my customers with a first-hand review of the service.

On November 23, I signed up for the one-year subscription plan at $149.95 (USD) and the 30-day money-back guarantee. During that first 30 days I had at least two "remote" sessions: the first one with "Charlie" (I believe it was on the same day I signed up for the service, November 23) and the second one, a week later, with "Peter" (November 27) (I'm unable to locate the log for the first session, with "Charlie." But I reference him in conversation with "Peter" the following week.)

The first thing that was off-putting was the amount of, what I call, "poking around" both "Charlie" and "Peter" did. As far as I was concerned, they were quickly approaching areas on my PC that were irrelevant to the task at hand. And at one point I told the "tech" (not sure which one) that he was done looking wherever it was he found himself.

The second thing was that the second session, with "Peter" ran from 4:02PM to 7:53PM. And I can say with confidence that absolutely nothing useful was accomplished, at least from my perspective. Outlook and my BlackBerry still were not talking to each other.

After these two incidences, I decided 24/7 Techies was not going to get this resolved. So, on December 24, within the 30-day period, I requested a refund. Now, this is not to say that 24/7 Techies was completely incompetent.in fairness to them, they sent e-mails to me trying to reschedule a date/time that would work for both of us. (They're in India, I think, and I'm in the US so the time difference was significant and so scheduling a remote session that worked for us both was challenging.)

In any event, I had had it with trying to get this issue resolved with them so I made the refund request. They acknowledged it and sent me an e-mail which I received on January 2 (a bit more than a week after I had requested the refund) that said:

"Please do click on the below link and fill up the form in order to request for a refund. Http://www.247techies.com/refund.php Once you submit this form, the relevant department will be taking up the refund request then onwards.

With Regards
24/7 Techies"

Later that same day, January 2, I got online to follow-up with my refund request.

The session with "Charlie" started at 4:33PM (my time) and ended at 4:52PM with me saying, quote, "Is anyone there going to help me get the refund that is due me???" So you may get an idea of how things went those 19 minutes... Also, I did receive on January 2, an e-mail titled "Refund Acknowledgement, " which stated the following:

"Your Refund Request has been received and is currently being processed. You will receive our response within the next 3 working days. If you have not received your refund or heard from us within the week, please do contact us on 1-866-461-6093 or e-mail refunds@247techies.com

Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
24/7 Techies"

Three days came and went and no "response." Actually, it's now March 12, and still no "response."

After nearly a month of waiting, I again contacted 24/7 Techies via chat, explaining as best I could the current lack-of-a-refund situation. "Farooz" replied that "I have pased (sic) this massage (sic) to my superviser (sic), They will contact you soon."

And, again, here it is more than two months after 24/7 Techies acknowledged my request for a refund and I've had no refund and no further communication from them.

I've not given up, but I will say with as much emphasis as possible: AVOID 24/7 TECHIES. They neither fixed my problem nor kept their word.in a word, they "suck."

Company: 24/7 Techies
Country: USA
State: California
City: Temecula
Address: 43950 Margarita Road, Suite K
Phone: 9512251749
Site: 247techies.com
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