Bad customer service, constant connectivity problems, when contact they donot reply after geting your money

Internet & Web

Vpngates, com never works for me. I followed the setup which was quite easy, but i wouldnt connect I ask for support and cheney who is the contact, he did not replied i send three email no reply Wasted my money so be careful of vpngates.com they are ripoff

Company: Vpngates.com
Country: USA
Site: vpngates.com
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Linksys Division Of Cisco Systems

Incompetent! Refund requested. 10 weeks and numerous emails - still no refund!

Rude & Childish response to customer

Ive never come across a site with such bad 'Customer Support'

Denimnation.com business is a ripoff, took my money, did not send product It's been 2 months no response to my concerns and did not refund the amount they took No customer service at all

SymplisIT Corporation, Driver Magic
SymplisIT Corporation - Driver Magic did not work properly, actually caused more problems, then no reply to emails, no support from a company that 'focuses on SERVICE'

MSN Internet Access (MSNIA)
Is a ripoff scam. MNS Contract MSN Internet = NO service, but they expect to be paid anyway

Internet Fraud. This company takes your money for a service they DO NOT provide Ripoff

Roundpoint Mortgage
Customer Service

Florida Gun Works
Ripoff failure to deliver, failure to respond, complete lack of customer service, dishonest business practices