WFM World Fame Merchandise
AFI American Films International, Designer Jeans, George Henderson, Robert Hamilton, Jerome Versaki Designer jeans export business is a complete sham, ripped me off and more than 20 others

Internet & Web

WFM advertises under "Business Opportunities" category: "A $185k Yearly Profit Name Brands Buyers Contact You. $4k Fee Req'd. Money Back Guar. 1-800-705-1286"

Opportunity is to be a "Business Associate" to sell their designer jeans as export product to other countries. $4k supposed to go the web site design and advertising for 3 months. Web site was set up; it's a copy of theirs. However, no advertising is done, no responses come in, and no one makes any money.

I found and contacted others who bought in. Same story - no leads, no responses, no nothing.

It appears that they signed up more than 25 of us since spring of 2011. WFM said they were only looking for 6. This is their game - taking $4000 from as many people as they can. They have no business, and neither do we.

Anyone looking at something like this, don't fall for it. They may be advertising now under a different name and phone number. Be aware of anyone pushing the "designer jeans export business". They are nothing but complete fraudsters.

Company: WFM World Fame Merchandise
Country: USA
State: California
City: Beverly Hills
Address: 9107 Wilshire Blvd
Phone: 8007051286
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Designer Jeans
Over Priced Designer Jeans

Denim 411,, designer jean wholesaler, never received jeans, no return call, no communication. Took my money and ran!

JM export
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Free Spirit Jeans - FSF Jeans Aka FS Jeans
Free Spirit Jeans Aka FSF Jeans Aka FS Jeans ripoff

Dee, s Jeans Bill Gate Bill Stern Norman
Dee, s Jeans rip me off sells fake jeans bill stern bill gate was employed by them
Low-Cost Brands (Russia) Designer Jeans Fakes
Consumer Report

Damaged goods

They took my money and wouldn't give it back

Fresh Pair Of
Fake products