Verizon Wireless
Verizon Mobile Broadband Unlimited plan customers penalized for loyalty

Internet & Web

I have been a loyal customer of Verizon Wireless phone since 1999 (Motorola StarTac), and internet broadband service since 2004. I have always raved how pleased I am with not only their coverage service, but also their customer service. I have gotten into elevators talking on my mobile phone, and thought "Ooops, I'm still on the phone" and I know this sounds unbelievable, but I have NEVER had a dropped call! Never! Maybe it's just the areas I was in, highly populated NJ & FL but I never had any problems... Until recently.

It started with 'beep beep beep' then it would say on my 1 year old phone 'Leaving Network Area' and drop my call (The same road I've driven 12 years to work) So I called and they told me to try *228 and update my device. I did, it still happens. The same thing has been happening with my mobile broadband card. I use to come home from work, turn on the computer and stream music, and it would stay on for 48- sometimes 60 hours uninterrupted! Now, it cuts off just before 24 hours, 23:55.

Again I called and they told me that because they no longer offer unlimited plans, the people who are limited should not be penalized if they leave theirs on and go over their monthly allowance. I asked the man, "So am I being punished for those people?" and his answer was "Yes"! Apparently, they changed the codes to shut off the connection just prior to 24 hours he noted. I said to him, they should have something where I can click or 'choose' to leave mine connected until 'I' disconnect. They should not make all suffer for a few.

So I began to almost accept that Verizon was not 'unlimited' even though my plan I signed up for said I was in 2004. Recently however I've been downloading some music files. Sometimes I download whole concerts at a time. Apparently I downloaded 19gb worth in one month. Now reading what some others here have downloaded, thats really not a lot compared to 90gb. So I kept getting dropped from the connection, extremely slow speeds, and I called Again! This time I was informed that they are "limiting" me (their own words) due to my usage. I then said to him "I really didn't use that much, and have never in all my years even come close to this higher usage"

His exact words"O come on, your allowed 5gb and your nearly at 20gb, you went almost four times over" I said to him "Four times over what? I have an unlimited plan" Thats when he told me what others here have also written, "They slow you down if you go over 5gb a month" Still stupidly trying to find a solution with Verizon, I asked what I could do to fix this. Are you sitting down? He then told me to re sign up for ANOTHER unlimited plan, at 4gb speed (with increased cost of course) and this wont happen anymore. So for being a dedicated customer, this is how we are rewarded.

Now, I understand there will be people who don't agree with me. They will say I shouldn't be so selfish, poor Verizon has other customers who have to use the connection, and I'm just slowing it down. My comment to them is, why then did they ever offer unlimited to begin with. It's not my fault you bought your computer in 2010 when they did not have those price plans, they should honor their agreement I entered into with them.

I'm not just going to childishly say "Verizon sucks" because I know the service I had two, or even three years ago was so much better. Thats the part that bothers me the most. The service isn't getting better, it's getting worse! In closing, Verizon wireless sold me, and I'm sure countless others UNLIMITED plans! They have now changed our plans by limiting our usage, 'At their discretion'. I'm angry, but what can we do about it? Has this happened to anyone else?

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Basking Ridge
Address: One Verizon Way
Phone: 19086078000
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