University Of Phoenix Axia Online College
I wasnt graded fairly because AXIA did not have a good computer system

Internet & Web

I attended three semesters of Axia online courses for a associates degree in psychology. I was asked to transmit a powerpoint presentation. I worked hard on the project and spent many hours composing it. When I tried to transmit it the file was too large for the schools system to accept. I had to break it down many times before it would go through. I asked the instructor if she would accept a disk in the mail and she told me she could not. Couldn't be sure there wouldn't be a virus contained in the disk. I subsequently received a D onthe project and became bittered against the whole online college experience. I gave up. I just quit. Now I owe money that I don't believe they even deserve. Im sorry but im trying to file this complaint from a cell phone that isn't acting right but im sure that I have gotten the message across.

Company: University Of Phoenix Axia Online College
Country: USA
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University of Phoenix
Axia College Please Help! I don't know where else to turn for help. Axia College has been very unfair to me

Apollo Group -Axia College -University Of Phoenix
Apollo Group - Axia College - University Of Phoenix - Axia College of University of Phoenix = Ripoff Its a "Fuc

Axia College/University Of Phoenix
Sketchy recruiting techniques and Not upfront about the procedures

Axia College Or University Of Phoenix
University of phoenix or axia college is a degree mill Phoenix

Axia College
University Of Phoenix charged me thousands of dollars for classes you cannot connect with the schools server. So i failed and am expected to pay ripoff

Axia College - Western International - University of Phoenix
Ripoff and too unorganized

Axia College - University Of Phoenix
I am being charged the full amount of 24 credits, when I only attended 10 days of class!

Axia College Of The University Of Phoenix
Axia College of UOP is a straight rip off

University Of Phoenix, Axia College, Western International University
Lied to about 20% discount at wiu and axia college!

(Axia College Of University Of Phoenix
Axia College Not happy with Phoenix. Want to assist in filing class action lawsuit