Key Design Websites LLC
Tom Young Key Design Websites LLC is currently advertising his Business opportunity & taking money with very little return

Internet & Web

Key Design Websites LLC is currently advertising his Business opportunity with 430 W. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60654
Telephone 800-223-5417

Tom Youngs ad:
Key Design Websites, LLC specializes in: website design, top search engine optimization (SEO) and hosting for small businesses. Start your own website design company under our banner; offer extremely affordable custom designed websites and hosting, make an incredible 50% commission on every sale and 20% residual monthly income. Free Compaq laptop and all documentation and training provided.

Total Capital Investment $1,500.

He e-mails a business like contract requiring witnessing of signature stamped by a notary. After mailing back with a bank draft, he sends out some very well written e-mails, with a lot of promises, and then his actions are very slow or non-existent. When asked about his tardiness, he makes a lot of apologies, with no explanation. Very poor at returning telephone calls or addressing issues (sent via e-mail).

During a 30 day period, I received an e-mailed Training Manual (a joke), 1000 business cards & some printed material with a value of LESS than $200. With his performance, I feared for how my clients would be treated and made Tom aware of my concerns. (Again apologies with no optimistic explanation). I told Tom via a telephone conversation that due to the fact that his performance was very poor, that with concern for my prospects and my reputation that I did not want to represent his company in Canada. When asked to return my money, he became verbally abusive and refused a refund.
Beware of this man. He takes & gives very little in return.

Company: Key Design Websites LLC
Country: USA
State: Idaho
City: Boise
Address: 305 N9th st ste 400
Phone: 2089384441
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