Time Warner Cable

Internet & Web

TWC is the worst cable/internet provider I have ever had. Called for a re install. Of course it would take a week for some moron to connect some boxes. Later that day I looked at my bank account and discovered that they charged me $118 without my permission. They basically stole money from me. Called in for a refund and they said it would take 3-5 business days. Called on the 5th business day and they said that they last rep didnt submit the order and that it would be another week. Keep in mind that I was basically broke because of that $118. So I havent had any money for almost a week and they told me it would be another week. TWC are morons and are the worst cable provider I have ever dealt with. They do not care about their customers or their reputation. I hope they go out of business and every office burns to the ground. Please, if you have other options, do not select this company.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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