Cox Cable
Held me off for days telling me that the problem would be fixed in 3 to 5 days it's close to 2 weeks now. Rip-off!

Internet & Web

The computer was no longer able to access the internet on the 2 of june, I called, they told me they would have the prblem checked out in 3-5 days. So by the 5th of the month i still wasn't up and running, I called back and now everyone is confused as to what happened.

Finally some conscientious tech in Las Vegas figured out what was going on, the last tech that I had talked to said the job had been finished. Cox uses outsourcing to do thier cable work, so that company had simply sent someone out, he looked at the problem and I guess he just reported back what was going on but didn't fix anything. So I guess he had checked it.

In the meantime I'm still down so I call the company and they in so many words tell me they can't get another person to look at it for another 3-5 days because they had another work order on it at the time that said it would be done at anytime, they didn't say from 3-5 pm or something like that, they just had on the tech's report, "anytime."

So needless to say, as i write this on another friend's computer I am still waiting for them to fix my system and, I have an internet business that I can't edit or work on bvecause my system is idle. Do perhaps if you have another option other than cox you might research that and think about it. I know they're such a large company that a leter like tis may not, probably want affect them, but if enough of us keep putting this info in perhaps they'll get off the pot.

Company: Cox Cable
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
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