Profit Fuel promising sales pitch for my small business, all I got was a $100 per month bank draft and auto-reply emails

Internet & Web

Outrank contacted me about building a new website for my company within two weeks of initiating

Service and then bringing it to the front page of Google, Yahoo and Bing local searches within two months. Outrank sent me a "Business Profile Form" to fill out and return.

They did it. The problem is, the website they built was not for my company. I do commercial pest control: hospitality, healthcare, food service and food packing businesses use monthly preventative pest control. And that is what I do.

Outrank made a website for a home pest control company, tailored to bed bugs and home remedies for cockroaches with a picture of antiquated equipment that I do not use... Not exactly what multi-million dollar hotels and five-star restaurants are looking for. The website had typos. One of the misspellings was my company's name. I also submitted a photo of the company vehicle, however the irrelevant equipment's photo remain right on top. I was bounced around from person to person, each with a new excuse for the last but none with any solutions. I believe I had four "customer service" reps in two months.

Email after email to correct the typos and subject matter were unreturned until I sent an email saying that I was canceling and wanted not to be billed further. I still was billed one more time, they told me they require 30 days of notice to quit. I explain thoroughly that I needed the website removed but the website remained for weeks.

Outrank embarrassed me and my company. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone - they only cost me $300 but hours of wasted time, endless frustration and uncounted lost customers to the unprofessional and poorly assembled website they created with my name on it.

Company: Outrank.com
Country: USA
State: Texas
Phone: 8773324321
Site: outrank.com
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Outrank is a Scam Internet

Poor results and service

Yoddle.com, yoddle. Outrank Company does not come through on what they say. False sales pitch with delivery to match

Profit fuel inc
Www.profitfuel.com Promised me professional website with no charge until I hit front page. I received 2 charges and a horribly embarrassing website with inaccurate info

Consumer Report

Outrank SEO
Yodle, Outrank Local Outrank Local SEO rip-off

Outrank SEO
Scam. Makes promise and does not deliver. Says they will refund but doesn't when they fail

Profit Fuel, Inc. They are scammers towards small business owners for fraudenlent advertisement

Profit Fuel, Inc. Non-existant Fraud & Deceptive Trade Practices
