Online PC Fix
OnlinePCFix - SpyFerret ripoff dishonest advertising and refusing refund They are only out to steal your money screw you any way they can

Internet & Web

I needed a program to remove the spyware that had accumulated on my computers at home and work, I have six. I searched the web and found a program called SpyFerret from They did not disclose anywhere that this program could only be registered and used on one computer only.

I purchased the program for $39 by download through the Internet onto my laptop and then found out I could not use it on any of the other five machines I own. I would need additional copies at $20 each for the five other machines. They would not answer any of my emails and did not care on single bit that I was displeased with their product. I emailed at least six times over four weeks and asked for a refund, they would not respond.

I finally purchased another program at Office Depot called Spy Sweeper for $29 that cleaned up all five of my other machines. Avoid this company like the plague. They are only out to steal your money screw you any way they can.

Company: Online PC Fix
Country: USA
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