DFF/Cash Advance

Internet & Web

These people are crazy. They are HARRASSING me at WORK. They called me a B@#ch and promised to make me lose my job if I did not give them money. I WANT TO SUE THEM! I took two online loans and both are paid in full as of 12/02 and is shown on my bank statements. This company is claiming I took money from an online loan called CASH ADVANCE. I never took a loan from cash advance. They have ALL my information and said they would block my driver license, passport, social security number and bank account. HOW DID THEY GET MY INFORMATION? I am so STRESSED OUT over this!!! Please someone help me!!! I had to change my phone number and bank account. "He" goes by the name Officer Ray or Roy Cooper and his sidekick is Davis Zayas is constantly calling my job and Im afraid I will get fired if this continues. WHAT CAN I DO? As we speak they are calling my job. This man is so rude and disrespectful. He askes for my manager several times and I put her on and hes even rude to her! I need to put an end to him doing this to me or anyone else!

Company: DFF/Cash Advance
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Gastonia
Address: Gastonia, NC
Phone: 7042718186
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