Quibids is a scam. Let everyone know internet

Internet & Web

1) Quibids is a scam from the get-go.

2) Yes. I was stupid and kicking myself for being such a fool.

I was lured onto their website by reading a fluff piece about them — not realizing it was "sponsored" by them.

You start bidding and discover you have to buy bids first. You put in your credit card number expecting to see a normal 'on-line check out' type of invoice that you get with any online purchase. You do not. Not for the $60.00 you just were charged. All you get is a receipt by e-mail. At no point do they say that your credit card will be charged $60.00. It says somewhere on the webpage that 100 bids cost $60.00 but they do not tell you are about to purchase them. They STEAL it. The first you know that you have actually paid $60.00 is when they send you a receipt for the $60.00 by e-mail.

After I put in my credit card I was offered bids for $. 09. This part is legit.

Company: Quibids
Country: USA
Site: quibids.com
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Consumer Report

Scammers, liars, thieves

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

QuiBids Voucher Scam

Quibids is it fraud?

Consumer Report

Ridiculous bidding site. Require you to "buy bids" at. 60 a piece in one cent increments. It usually takes like 2200 bids to win a camera or camcorder, you do the math

Quibids is a Crook, Buyer Beware! Internet

QuiBids Holdings LLC QuiBids.com is a RIP OFF. This site is meant to work AGAINST its consumers! ONLY winning the occasional "VOUCHER" for MORE BIDS!