slick-tricksters, partial-delivery-of-info, please-pay-more-otherwise, looks-very-ligit-too

Internet & Web

E-Mail excerpt block of data from

(they handle the billing for the product - Personal Information) Website: publicrecords. ComProduct Title: VIP PassOne payment: $42.89ClickBank order number: (whatever) Technical help: contact the vendor. Venodr E-Mail:

Does this block of E-Mail data look familiar to you?

They purport to be able to retrieve every piece of personal data about anyone from their huge database:

* names, addresses, previous addresses, telephone numbers, police records, court records, bankruptcy, organization affiliations, and more.

This online business is a real slick trickster indeed. Why? Because everything on the MAIN pages looks and even feels very secure and legitimate. I even read their long, detailed Terms and Conditions page. The real trick here centers around information you THINK you will be getting because they detail it BEFORE you buy. They even let you pull up a REAL sample (without the details though) and even boast about their comprehensive data gathering ability using a database that contains millions of records - all indexed - all available - all the time.

Buyer Beware!

AFTER YOU PAY, they tell you that ClickBank will be responsible for the billing. Ok. So... I have seen this before and it has always worked. The email came (see excerpt above). The info was OK. And all of the references and e-mail addresses were tested. Good I thought.

AFTER YOU PAY, they specifically stated that you will now have immediate access to their info.

So now I am excited and I login successfully. I plug in the data they request. (This page is a bit confusing and you do not quite know right away what to do next but hey, that's the internet right?)

When the next page displays your stomach starts to get a bit queezy. All you see is some basic information that you can get free on your own. The name is clickable. So I click on the name and the next page confirms my queeziness. It now says that, to get the PREMIUM INFORMATION, I can spend another $4 or so and get court records and more for the 4 days!: (If I want to, I can also let them charge me ON A MONTHLY BASIS for this information AUTOMATICALLY and that I can opt-out any time I want.

I think to myself that "I" must have done something wrong. So I logout and back in and start over. I read everything on every page and try several different approaches and still get nothing.

Now I am thinking that, even though I consider myself somewhat knowledgeable enough to see a ripoff coming, a ripoff is coming. It is here. I am thoroughly embarrassed. I am mad (that's puttin it mildly!). I have been screwed once again. I cannot get anyone on the phone. I cannot get responses to my emails. The CONTACT US is a big bogus. Now I am sure by the time I get any action on this the website will have disappeared and a new one will emerge somewhere with a different name but the same ripoff in different words. (Sorta makes you wanna move to Alberta Canada where life is like being in the late 1930's - nice and slow.) I think I finally know how some may have a valid reason for doing terrible things after experiencing this kind of blatant, dishonest, rude, despicable, hateful theft of the innocent poor slob who works hard for their money!

One last piece of advice: following your instincts might be great -but - to survive this 'new-age-of-information' it's better to have more than just a hunch you're being stabbed in the back!

I for one am going to use this website ( FIRST.

Country: USA
Phone: 8003906035
  <     >  


Ripoff Conspiracy Boise, ID
DataDepot.Biz is a TOTAL SCAM! St Petersburg Florida

National Data Research and US Criminal Record Database ripoff charges for info but gives nothing more info from dialing 411 than them

Software Doctor Inc
Software Doctor, rip off company I used to get records information software, claimed to be free but then I had to pay with credit card to get records and even then I could not get any data.internet

ClickBank - People-search - People Search
ClickBank Rip-off People-search People Search ripoff a site called people-search. Deceived didn't send email of purchase deceptive advertising and promises Click Bank Nationwide United States
Advameg, Inc. Mr. Lech Mazur, President of Advameg, No response to multiple email requests to be removed from website

Forsythe Data Equipment
Ripoff dishones fraudulent billing scam

Clickbank Indicated access to UK and Australian records but unable to access any useful data at all even from World site
Ripped off by, beware. Texas

Software Doctor Inc
No public record search results