Paradigm Acceptance Company
Lc ripoff ripoff, rude dishonest fraudulent billing gateway web-site

Internet & Web

These peopleare totally dishonest and FRaulent!
Beware!!! Of this company...

I went to the gateway web-site to get a laptop, found a $899 laptop that I wanted. Filled out the form to get it financed...

So about 2 days later I get a call saying I'm approved and so I set up the bank account for them to take out the 899, in monthly installments... They are $27 a week..

And the lady tells me the first payment will be $83 dollars... So I set it up to be taken out friday. And they are supposed to send me paper work to fill out so they can kkep it on file. Well Friday i get the paper work and Guess what!!!

The price is $2,262.48... WHAt the heck happened. So i call her to say hey i picked the $899 laptop. Well then she tells me that they dont have a $899 dollar laptop. They only have this one..

So of course i cancel, and ask for the 83 dollars to be refunded, but guess what they don't refund the down payment. She was RUDE, and said well my sales associate was supposed to tell you all the information about it...

So then my wife calls these people and talked to ANDREA MORRIS. And she is just as rude, and says "No we dont give refunds"..."WE dont have any laptop for $899 dollars and its not my mistake"...

Company: Paradigm Acceptance Company
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Hampton
Address: 2504 Buildamerica Drive Hampton
Phone: 18888251580
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Paradigm Acceptance Company
Total ripoff!

Gateway Computers - Paradigm Acceptance Company
Gateway Computers And Paradigm Acceptance Company rip-off! Fraudulent business practices. Unauthorized bank account withdrawal

Paradigm Acceptance
Corp Dishonest Deceptive ripoff

Paradigm Acceptance

Gateway, Paradigm Acceptacne
Ripoff Deceptive marketing practices

Paradigm Acceptance
Paradigm Acceptance ripoff

Paradigm Acceptance Corporation - Gateway
Complete and Total RipOff
They advertised one product and sold me another

Paradigm Acceptance
Ripoff, Drafted money from my account without permission for something I didnt want

Paradigm Acceptance
They tryed to rip me off by using dishonest fraudulent billing