Nationwide Cybersystems
Ripoff artists! Liars! Deceitful! Fraudulent business

Internet & Web

In August I lost my husband to a violent accident and received an insurance settlement. This settlement was used to purchase two terminal from Nationwide after I saw them on an info commercial. I thought I was securing my future with all the funds that I had to my name, because a lying company and all their representatives assured me and promised me that this was a profitable venture and assured me that I would get a return on my investment. The computers were the best Dell and would stand up against consist use.

I placed the order in November after multiple calls from Nationwide (these calls generated after I inquired about the machine.) After the initial order, of course they got my money first, ($23,000) I was promised delivery in 45 days. Well it took over 3 months. Everytime I called about the delivery they gave me the runaround about parts over seas or a strike somewhere in the world.

They promised to place my machines in the best locations in my city because there was no one else here. I called 5 sometimes 7 times a week to see where I would be placed. I never was. I had to seek a locator's help. Oh I forgot, he was one of their pawns. And took me for 1200.00 more dollars.

They robbed me of all I had left from my husband. They lied about the placement. They lied about the income. Hell, they lied about everything. Run, run, don't look back. Run like your hair is on fire. These sleazy ripoffs need to be served, I need justice. I have scrap metal in my garage.

Count me in on the lawsuit. Thanks for making this website...

Company: Nationwide Cybersystems
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: 6030 HOLLYWOOD BLVD, SUITE 140
Phone: 8007367544
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Nationwide Cybersystems
Farris leon pemberton - thomas kling - chandler geffery - martin - mariscio paz ripoff artists liars cheaters deceitful fraudulent business stole $15,999, 00 from me

Nationwide Cybersystems
Ripoff dishonest sales and promises

Nationwide Cybersystems
Ripoff, I was not aware so many people are in the same situation I'm in... I also have purchase one of their machines and not have had the success they promised

Nationwide Cybersystems
Ripoff They misrepresented their product and didn't follow through on their promises

Nationwide Cyber Systems, Inc
Ripoff, fraudelant, misrepresentative, lack of communication, false advertising

Nationwide Cybersystems
Nationwide Cyber Systems ripoff dishonest thieves do not live up to promises

Nationwide CyberSystems
Ripoff Nationwide takes your money, I hope Adam West got his up front!

Nationwide Cybersystems
Paul Pemberton And Bart Pemberton Sold these systems on the basis of proper site locating. Said they had prime sites... But never lived up to those promises

Nationwide Cyber Systems

Nationwide Cybersystems
Ripoff preys on computer-ignorant