Refuses to be deleted from my comp

Internet & Web

I am having a hard time removing a certain type of adware/spyware from my computer. It goes by the name "iPend", and I've tried using two different adware/spyware removers and neither appears to get rid of it completely.

I suspect there might be a virus involved with this. If so, I want to know what type of legal action can be taken against whoever created it.

Company: IPend
Country: USA
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Spyware - Adware
Spyware Or Adware Had me believe I was getting free virus software Pop Up Ad

Filesharingcenter.com, Krisblade
Ripoff, I signed up then they disappeared, my computer was full of adware, spyware

Hotbar.com put adware and spyware and a tool bar I can not uninstall on my computer

E Acceleration / StopSign
E Acceleration - StopSign ripoff Poulsbo

STOPZILLA Spyware And Adware Protection
Stopzilla spyware and adware protection the company is padding their sales off the customers who purchased stozilla in 2003

West Coast Lanyards
Scum Sleazy Malware, Spyware and Adware

Mike Patterson MyDeathSpace seeks to kill your Computer, Site is filled with Adware and Spyware. Profits from deaths of others. San Franciso

Ripoff Internet

Swanksoft Technologies
Aka SpyKiller.com ripoff

Adware. Guaranteed but no refund came. No response California internet