Find Any Music

Internet & Web

Thay at Findanymusic Cashed my chack for $24.95 around 1/20/04.

I never herd or got the password. And every time i sent a Email to a address thay gave me (mp3downloadcenter!) for help. All i get is a note like MESSAGE CAN'T PASS. YOU DON'T NEED TO SEND A NEW MESSAGE AT THIS TIME.

Will you help me get a refund and make these RIP-OFF kings Pay back everyone PLUS

Thank you.

Company: Find Any Music
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: Miami FLORIDA
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Cantex lending group
Consumer Report

ADT security services
Broadview security services i didnt use my pass word ever so i wanted to shut down my sevice and thay wanted me to rember my password to end service i strokdidnt rember it after 2 years. Thay wouldent ask any other questins to s

MP3 Download City
AKA FindAny ripoff

Ripoff BAD experience Internet

Erenest eddington asphalt paving
Thay tell you one price then when done thay charge you more got my mom and here and the sweet old people next door to here got them for 900. And tryed to get the same from my mom she only gave them 2 no good
Consumer Report

Imax credit
I was scammed

Took 1hunderd dollars for their service and i requsted a refund and was refused and i have tryed over and over before their time was up

Deposit refund

Thay have other co. But i dont know them i filled out information when i saw it cost $160.00 to join i did not push send but thay got my card anyway. When i called thay said thay would return money nut no one excuse after another. Let everone