BANK OF MONTREAL, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Bank of Montreal's MOSAIK, prepaid, MasterCardBANK OF MONTREAL, prepaid MasterCard & Paypal JOINT DEFAULTS FORCE DOMAIN TO EXPIRE

Internet & Web

Intro: every time I try to use my BANK OF MONTREAL Mosaik (prepaid - means you put YOUR CASH ON IT to spend) MASTER CARD, I am denied the use of my own funds by surprise and am screwed over in the most humiliating manner. I therefore RARELY use the card. But, I keep it in case of "emergency". However, as I now see, in an EMERGENCY, I get double screwed over. L

I have several domain names, all with, a subsidiary of

[1] On 1 September I used my PAYPAL account, which is connected to my BANK OF MONTREAL savings account, to move just $5 CAD to PAYPAL to top it up, so as to COVER domain renewal of I already had OVER $7.00 in Paypal, but I needed to cover 9.99 USD for the domain. The $5 CAD would have covered it. The domain was scheduled to expire 9 September. PAYPAL declares that for this type of transaction, 6-8 days is required to move the funds.

Company: BANK OF MONTREAL, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Country: USA
State: Quebec
City: Montreal
Address: 5145 C
Phone: 5143414055
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Unsolicited Invoices

Vif Internet
Internet Company does not perform to normal standards

Stole money, disabled account, illegally disabled domain names ripoff

Bank of Montreal
Consumer Report

Credit cards, Master Card
All credit cards concerned, Visa, American Express, etc. MarterCard through the Bank of Montreal completely riped me off with their policies and conventions that only profit them, even paying properly what it was stated., Canada

Consumer Report

Bank of Montreal
Insufficient Clerks

Greyhound Bus
Greyhond be Burlington VT to Montreal - Bus Burlington to Montreal

Phone Pages From Montreal
Some one called us 2 ers ago. We did said ok unroll us. After the one er they renew that themself. Start sending mails / faxes and lot of ph calls. Now same ppl are calling us again from same ph # and told us they are a colection agency. Quebec
Alertpay Alertpay stole money, transfer, withdraw, deposit, online, banking, germany Montreal, Quebec