Credit cards, Master Card
All credit cards concerned, Visa, American Express, etc. MarterCard through the Bank of Montreal completely riped me off with their policies and conventions that only profit them, even paying properly what it was stated., Canada

Shops, Products, Services

I have been with credit cards since I always paid before the end of the month, therefore never had interest to pay, however, on june 27, I borrowed $6,900.00US from my Master Credit Card with a special interest rate of 12.90% that I paid for, on july 7, I cancelled the mastercard since they were riping me off constantly with numerous charges that they never said, my company with whom I signed a contract for training internet home business opportunity gave me back $2,000.00 straight to my Mastered Card,

Well they screwed me with $150.00 plus the interest of that month that didn't apply and that I ended paying a $250.00C more in total, and this has been going and going for other issues, today november 9, I had the surprise of my life that now the interest rate doesn't apply because I cancelled the card and let it open only to pay my debt, they chose to now with 19.

Company: Credit cards, Master Card
Country: USA
State: Quebec
City: Montreal
Address: 2005 rue Peel
Phone: 5148777320
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Wamu Credit Card And J P Morgan Credit Card Co
Wamu Credit Card Co. And J P Morgan Co. Raised the interest on both my wamu credit cards

AT&T Universal Card
Deceptive marketing, ripoff introductory interest rates, unfair rate hikes

First Premier Bank
Rip-off swindle

My Success Track
Consumer Report

EBay Master Card A Ripoff

Aspire Visa Cards
Aspire Visa Credit Cards IS A BIG RIPOFF. Another Creidt cRd scam like all the others

AT&T Universal Card
Unscrupulous Interest Rate Hike

Bank Of America

Capitol One
Paid credit protection on credit cards, when requested disability form never received

American Express
Allowed me to exceed credit line without my authorization and then raised interest rate 190% for going over limit. 250%