Mobile Media Solutions
Cell phone and internet scam

Internet & Web

Like many others I'm embarassed to admit I fell victim to these scammers. While signing into Linkedin I received a message which came up instead of the Linkedin sign in page on their site and stated I'd been selected at radom from Linked in receive a free IPod.

While I was suspicious I also thought the message came from Linkedin a respected and ligitimate site. Unsuspecting I began to fill in my information including my cell phone number. Fortunately I was midway throught the process when I began to receive a bad feeling and stopped.

Unfortunately I'd already entered my cell phone and then recieved a text from a company regarding which explained they had a $9.99 fee. They billed this fee on my Verizon bill but never listed their information just included this under "data" on my bill. Therefore, until I contact Verizon I did not understand how I had incurred this "data" charge.

These people need to be stopped!

Company: Mobile Media Solutions
Country: USA
Address: 3317 East Ell Rd. Unit #101-136
Phone: 8777074105
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