Stores Online

Internet & Web

I went to a stores online seminar and listened to the testimonies and thought it was a good deal at the time. I talked to a couple of representatives with stores online and they assured me we could make good money using the services they offered.

They told me if I was able to use my friend's credit card for the initial start up fee of 300.00 they would give me 6 web stores. They said I could cancel the contract if I didn't like it and let them know soon as possible.

So I used my friend's card and paid them and went home and read everything like they said and I couldn't understand any of it. I knew I was messed up so I had to sign on one of the sites in the disks they gave me to get help and I started understanding some of the things and that's when they told me I had to have a coach and buy other services and provide products and that they were just a website. That's how I understood it. They made me even more confused as I still am.

I told them I wanted out of the program and they sent me through a big chain of people and even confused me more and said I signed a contract and I was bound and that I had to pay them even if I didn't ever use their services. They told me I was obligated when I signed on one of the disks to get information from them.

Then I started researching what I got myself into and found out storesonline had lots of bad reports and I reported them to BBB and many other agencies that I can't remember now until I look them all up.

I feel like I was the one scammed and If I want out I don't see why they can't release me. I'm not using anything they gave me and I tried to send the material back and they said it would be refused so to not bother.

Then one day after complaining enough they gave me a guy and he said he would see if he could help me and cancel my services with them and I never heard a word again until I got a sarcastic call on the phone today on Febuary 19 during my sleep time at around 1:30. I sleep days.

He asked when I was going to pay my 6100 dollars owed them and I told him I don't use the service and he asked me what kind of scam I am trying to pull on them and that they wanted the money now and I was payments behind now and I told him to quit calling and he said I would hear from him everyday now until I paid the debt I owed them and I told him I couldn't pay it and that I dont want it anymore and he was very rude.

I don't see why I have to pay for a service I don't use and they know that they lied to me at the seminar so I don't see why they want to do this to people. They should ban them from Louisiana. If they keep harrassing me I guess I'll have to get a lawyer and try to sort all this out. I think people should start picketting the seminars when they come in town and let other people know what they are up to so maybe just one person doesn't have to go through what I am right now with all the harrassing calls and lies they tell you.

It's been so long since I've heard anything about payment now until this call today I'll have to get all my stuff together and who all I reported them to. I really thought maybe they canceled my services until now. I guess they wait long enough for you to forget everything about all the stuff then come back at you. These guys are really good talkers.

They made me feel stupid. I don't know what to do. I really feel conned or scammed.

I just want out of this service they lied to me about.

Disappointed in Louisiana

Shreveport, Louisiana

Company: Stores Online
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Orem
Address: 754 E. Technology Avenue
Phone: 8012270004
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Stores Online
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Imergent Very pushy, mislead, over priced, ignore my requests for a refund, try to talk their way out, not organized, bad reputation Ripoff

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They lied about what was included in my contract