Bidsell penny auction, "where bidders are losers" shill bidding site. Don't waste your money. 27069 la paz rd

Internet & Web

Let me preface this report by the fact that these sites that decide to rip off people ran into the wrong person today. I am bedridden, which leaves me plenty of time to do research and watch these sites whereas other people simply do not have the time.

This report today is PENNY AUCTION WEBSITE aka NEXUS MEDIA VENTURES LLC a Marketing company based out in Aliso Viejo, California

I found this site after responding to an ad about an IPAD that I wanted to purchase. Someone emailed me back and told me " I sold this IPAD for TOO little. I had won it on - The trick is to bid every 4 seconds. If I can do it, anyone can."

My sister had mentioned to me that she had won some stuff on a penny auction site before, so I did some research on bidsell first, and did not find anything about them. Which is why I am writing this rip off report, to prevent the next person googling their site to save their money.

First off, how a penny auction works is you have to buy "bids" for $. 50-$. 75 (depends on the site) per "penny" you are bidding. Every bid increases the timer by 20 seconds. When the timer runs out whomever is the last bidder wins. Sounds easy enough right?

Until you notice that everything you are bidding on seems to go for more money than any other auction. For example: I am watching the site right now and I can tell who is "really bidding" vs a "fake auction". Why? Because there is this lady bidding on a 100 bid package "worth $65.00" she is currently at $15.00 while other "fake auctions" for the same 100 bid package had been won for $. 53. Basically, bots keep outbidding you until you run out of all of your bids. This is called SHILL BIDDING and it is illegal.

One night when I was "bidding" I WON! Yay! Playstation 3 for $40!! Score! Nope. Three weeks later and I still hadn't received it. I emailed them and they said that usually it takes 3-6 weeks to receive an item.

Six weeks later, still nothing. I emailed them again, and surprisingly this time they said that THEY HAVE NO RECORDS OF ME WINNING. WHAT? How is that possible? When I try to login to my account to print out the receipt of winning, I had been kicked out. All I see is "Invalid username or password. Please try again."

Since then, I have emailed them probably ten times with no response. They don't answer their Customer Care Number.

FINALLY, when i emailed them requesting my money back or else I would contact the Federal trade commission they sent me my paypal money back, after offering me multiple "bidpacks" instead. Why? SO I can just lose it all back to you guys? No thanks.

I don't just want my money back! I want the playstation 3 i won!

I imagine like other sites they let a few people win here and there so that the word of mouth keeps spreading their website name around. Bidders beware. APPARENTLY EVEN WHEN YOU WIN, YOU DON'T.

Funny thing is that they have a "CODE OF ETHICS" page on their website along with a link to the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU.

Thanks for the link! I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau shortly.

Country: USA
State: California
City: Aliso Viejo
Address: 27068 La Paz Rd Suite #491
Phone: 8774243735
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I spent 2 hours $60 on it and found their trick to rip-off money