MMOFisher, Habbo Credit Selling
They scammed me and I want revenge! Not sure

Internet & Web

Hi everyone, Today I thought I was sick of playing Habbo with no credits, So I decided to buy some. I am so disappointed in this, even tho it is only $20 it's just terrible. Please read below, my entire chat I had with Live Help on MMOFisher. (Went for over 3 Hours)

Also if anybody would like to help me catch these b*s please just email me, it would make me very happy, email is -.

Also to add I am only 15, makes it worse to hear they are stealing from kids... Conversation is below.

(Thanks for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly...)

[Ada] Hello, how may I help you?
[corbin] Hi
[corbin] i am about to purchase 200 or 100 credits and i am just wondering how long delivery will be
[corbin] this is for habbo of course
[Ada] in 20 mins
[corbin] definately?
[corbin] definately 20 minutes maximun?
[corbin] are you there
[corbin]?? Hello
[corbin] Ada?
[Ada] yes
[Ada] you are right
[corbin] ok
[corbin] there
[corbin] i just payed
[corbin] for 200 habbo credits
[Ada] May I have your payment email and character name please?
[corbin] are you there, i just payed for 200 habbo credits for account - C*-C*
[corbin] payment email: o*
character name: C*-C*
[Ada] Please hold on, I will check on that.
[Ada] Could you please email us your character name, we may need to make a confirm before the first time trade.
Please make sure the character name you wrote is exactly the same as your ingame name, with correct capitalization.
Please email it to Thank you.
[corbin] Ok done
[corbin] it is sent
[Ada] Please hold on, I will check on that.
[corbin] thankyou
[Ada] We may call you to make a confirm, if you don't mind, may I have your phone number please?
[corbin] ok 0466657675
[corbin] how much longer for deliveru
[corbin] delivery
[Ada] may i know your age? Whose credit card did you used to buy this order?
[corbin] 15, I used my Paypal
[Ada] may i call your parents now?

Company: MMOFisher, Habbo Credit Selling
Country: USA
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