Time Warner Cable
100$ modem after 16 months

Internet & Web

To simplify the problem, I'll review the occasions and allow you to choose the way you might experience should you were a person put into the same scenario when I have already been.

I began using Time-Warner Cable for web and wire providers more than 5 years back. After I bought a brand new home with my spouse three years before, we got the support alongside us.

16 weeks ago, I determined that I really could no further manage to make use of Time-Warner as my web providers supplier because they had elevated their costs and substitute presents that have been considerably cheaper were arriving daily. Last month, experiencing the chance of foreclosure and trying to avoid further deficits, I ended my Wire support.

Used to do not cease cost about the expenses I owed, actually, I waited to prevent the cost with my lender till one sequential payment period had approved. I named roughly fourteen days before and confirmed that the credit was because of me which a check might are available in the quantity of 48$. I had been happy and anticipated the appearance of the guaranteed check.

This weekend, I obtained a telephone call from the 3rd party selection support regarding a device that I'd not delivered to Timewarner Cable. I told the support consultant that I had been unacquainted with the necessity to return the device which it'd been 16 weeks since I have had utilized Time-Warner for cable internet providers.

Today, I popped my email and mentioned that currently, after 16 weeks along with a guarantee to return the 48$ I owed, Time-Warner Cable would cost me 100$ to get a device that's more than 5 yrs old.

I called the Main Florida workplace and talked having a support agent. She insisted that there is nothing she might do, That Point Warner`s plan was to cost 100$ for modems when they weren't delivered. I described my disappointment within the businesses methods regarding prolonged time-delayed which I experienced it had been their very own neglect because they had never educated me to come back the device. I requested to talk to her supervisor who described the same, repeatedly repeatedly again, in a fashion which did nothing to calm my rage and concern regarding my possibly credit hurting error. I discussed that I understood the device wasn't worth 100$ as well as in reality have been created, delivered, and offered for under 5$, which this exercise is dishonest and wrong; ostensibly really poor company. More, whilst the device was eliminated, what may I do? I agreed to choose a device about the sell marketplace and did for 20$. She stated, "NO, we would like our device back." as though this device was unique or various somehow than every additional Time-Warner device on the planet that could currently be bought for less than 20$. Next, I requested to talk to her chef, she mentioned somebody called Nicole might all back. I also informed this support consultant I desired to protest towards the corporate workplace. She chuckled and stated, "We've a corporate criticism point, should you want to contact, however the call can come back again to me, when I manage corporate issues. It was positively frustrating, when I sensed I'd created a completely logical honest error.in my experience, when the modem was therefore very important to Time-Warner Cable, they might have quickly named me and questioned me to come back the modem and sometimes even delivered a specialist to my home to get the device.

Within two hours, Nicole called back. We mentioned the problem, I noticed that I'd not been educated for 16 weeks That Point Warner Cable wished-for me to come back the device. I mentioned that I had been excessively upset and experienced scammed, fooled, endangered, and desired to guard my credit rating, when I didn't plan to purchase an error that was basically poor house-keeping from both events. She stated she wasn't guaranteed if my credit could be impacted, despite the fact that I'd informed her concerning the credit collection company that had named beforehand. She stated she'd need to learn about that and obtain back again to me. I stated, if you should be not likely to do something and we both acknowledge this really is careless and inefficient, then eliminate the cost and return my income. Her reaction; " I really could return your cash, but I'm not likely to achieve this. The cost may stay."

Again, I'll allow you constitute the mind centered on what I've told you.in my experience, this plan could make sense; if it'd been applied properly I'd don't have any issue whatsoever returning the device. But, after 16 weeks, when somebody is eliminating because of economic difficulty, just how can Time-Warner Cable believe that it is an optimistic business model management plan, to bleed individuals to death over an error you've created yourselves? I'll now start training my person to person marketplace abilities to complete anything I will to punish, insult, and hobble Timewarner Cable. And you'll acquire practically nothing but a ashamed, mistreated, resentful, public, and lost period from three administrators. After I do return on my toes, I'll be delivering my capable buck to AT&T, or Verizon, or NetFlix and Electronic Wireless Recipient; yes, that's the solution; so much cheaper. But mainly, more moral and righteous; simply the kind of reasonable moral company I would like to help

You've been advised. I really hope you're hearing.


Curtis Saxton

Round Steel, TX


Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Round Rock
Site: timewarnercable.com
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