Ripped me off for $2.97 $99.95 after 3 days and haven't made a dime after 3 months. Website replicated

Internet & Web

I signed up with eSuperShops about 3 months ago and was billed $2.97.3 days later I was billed for $99.95. Nowhere on original signup was I told that I'd be billed the $99.95 in 3 days. I ignored this because I'm disabled and wanted to make extra money to supplement my SS the last 3 months, or so, I haven't made a dime with them. When I go and look at my reports of visitors to my website there is never more than 2 over a 24 hour period. ESupershops is supposed to host my site, but it seems they are intentionally not hosting my site like it should be for me to have paying customers visit my site. I have been told my website is a replicated and esupershops will intentionally not allow me to make more money than they do.
Don't get ripped off by these people.

Company: Esupershops
Country: USA
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Beware of esupershops home business scam - $2.97 = 99.95 after 3 days & 39.95 every month thereafter

Do not fall for this company that helps you create a home based bussiness, no address or help for 2.97 and then a whopping 99.95 non refundable

Net Speed Hosting
Unauthorized Charge

1 and 1
Consumer Report

Self employed
Consumer Report

Hollywood Entertainment Jobs
This website will bill your bank acct. Or credit card for subscriptions even if you cancel, they are a total scam

Internet Speedway
Payed over 3 GRAND... It's been over 2 months and i haven't seen a single dime...?

Onlinesupplier, Buydiscount, actionline
Onlinesupplier, Buydiscount, actionlineonlinesupplier, Buydiscount, actionline, Commerceplanetonlinesupplier, Buydiscount, actionline Watch Out, Multi Fraud Goleta

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Nothing like what the TV commercial promised. They make you believe you will make a lot of money rightaway, but after spending $1,600 I haven't earned any money yet. Ripoff Phoenix Arizona

Traffic Designs - 24 Hour Cash Flow
Wont' say whether or not it was a scam, but could've been a lot worse