Customer service will not give detailed help and will not give you the extention of the person who you spoke with. Ebay has miss-catagorized my listing and refuses to let me speak with someone ot

Internet & Web

When having problems with Ebay listings you cannot get past a first level contact who can only give generic answers. Thet refuse to let you speak to an upper level contact. They also refuse to give you their extention. So after 15 minutes of waiting to speak to someone, the first level contact had no real solution and then hung up on me. Just to to contact customer support yourself and see just how bad it is. I guess i will consider my cost for the list a lesson learned. Perhaps Craig List is the answer?

Company: Ebay
Country: USA
Phone: 18665403229
Site: wbay.com
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Ebay cancelled my listing and will not give any reason! Deerfield Beach

Customer Service - for SELLERS ONLY

Ebay Inc
Ebay.com Buy as a guest... No support and they steal your money! Internet

EBay, Inc
EBay charges for listing & pulls w/o given reason

Ripoff refuses to cancel account

Priceline.com Refuse to provide cusotmer service support from the corporate office

Ebay INC
Another incorrect seller fees bill, Tried of getting ripped off by ebay! Ebay Inc

Buyer Protenion plan is San Jose

Dollydelights/Chrestina Jones

Ripoff, damaged merchandise, won't answer questions, refuses to speak with me via phone