Platinum Online Group
Scam, charged my account w/o permission

Internet & Web

I had been guaranteed a $1500 mortgage easily registered Jewelry Collection. No such cash seemed,

And that I named to stop, a note was obtained now they withdrew $99!!

I'd like an instantaneous return!

Company: Platinum Online Group
Country: USA
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Platinum Online Group
Withdrew from acct. Without authoriztion

Platinum Online Group
They took $99.00 from my checking account without my permission

Platinum Online Group
Withdrawal from account w/o permission

Platinum Online Group
Withdrew money

Platinum Online Group
$99.00 withdrew from my account

Net first
Jim day loans

Platinum Online Group
Withdrew money frommy account

Platinum Online Group
Withdrew 99.00 from my account

Platinum Online Group
Unauthorized Transaction AGAIN!

Platinum Online Group
Took 99.00 from my checking account—did not give permission—i am 80 yrs old & need that money