Very sneaky compnay trying to get your money then have you go away

Internet & Web

Wow it appears they must have changed their web site recently to scam people out of money. Nothing reported until the last week and now about 5 of us right away. I was lead to this site from an ad saying I would get 100 free bids to start. Then i look at my credit card and there is $179 charge on it for them. I went back and there off to the left it talks about $179 but it looks like an ad for something. Nothing under the section of the "where do we send your winning auctions" that I was putting in my info, that I thought was for if I won an auction. I would never pay that kind of money to be allowed to bid on something I might not even win and still have to pay to bid on it. Crazy site. And by the way most of the bids are for more bids and Wal-Mart gift cards. Very few actual items for sale, maybe 4 that have like 40 hours to get to the time that the bid wars start. Dont do it.

Company: Selloffauctions
Country: USA
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Swipe Bids Auction Refusal of 30 Guarantee refund
Consumer Report
Beezid the auctions on this site are rigged. I spent over $250.00 buying "bids" in order to bid on auctions. I've been buying on auction sites for years, and i know i won at least four auctions. At the en
Consumer Report

Uses Deceitful, False or misleading Verbiage on Website

Swipae auctions
Do not do any business with them, they are scams and ripoffs, i become member paying $159.00 plus bought some bids and you can win nothing, 90 % they have is bids to sell, they will ask you for bank in aurora Internet

Beezid is a rip off. They sell tons of bids, you win nothing

Consumer Report

QuiBids Voucher Scam

Live online penny auction auctions don't work like this! Buying bids, bidding, losing auction, bids not returned to bidde