Sales rep tells you you are going to get a mailing to targeted people who would be interested in your servicelike your service or product

Internet & Web

I have a small computer education company, I contacted supermedia for a direct mailing, after meeting with sales rep, he told me a lie saying that the mailing would be directed to people that would be interested in my service. Two mailings later the only response I got was a lady telling me that I was doing a scam and hung up on me. So they sent out 6000 post cards with my company information and for this I continue to pay them $175 monthly for a year. They get you to sign a contract, but do not give you the chance to go to a lawyer, the sales person tells you one thing the contract states another, what really makes it worse is I called to complain the sales person laughs in your face, what a scum bag. Oh yes I did not even get the opportunity to make changes to the second mailing, also I tried to cancel second mailing a week in advance and was told I could not. If you are thinking about a direct mailing do not use this company they all lie when they say they will help you. Edward from Mentor, Ohio

Company: Supermedia
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: DWF Airport
Address: 2200 West airfield drive
Phone: 18005554833
  <     >  


Platinum Capital Mailers
Consumer Report

The official publisher of Verizon Print Directories Supermedia call us for advertising - promises certain things - such as mailing coupons and flyers - making a website, etc

Supermedia, LLC Sales rep promised one product, signed me up for something I didn't want. Can't cancel

This company is a rip off. Sells data that is OLD and in the wrong format-promised credit and never refunded money

SuperMedia LLC
SuperPages Tell you that you can cancel anytime, then won't let you cancel and continue to bill you

Breaking Contract Impossible after term ends

Indepedent Mailing Services
Fraud, Liars, Dishonest!

Rickenbacher Data LP
Sold us a mailing list of approx 2500 addresses and we received over 700 back

Premier Mailing Service
Deceptive company took my money, offer to pay for mailing letters but never sent mailing supplies

Travel Agents Direct
Ripoff dishonest methods