Online Discount Membership
Liberty Discount CS Internet Thieves! Monthly withrawals from my bank acount Without my permission

Internet & Web

This "company" took $34.19 out of my account on 9/27 and again on 10/26 under the name Online Discount Membership.

This "company" took $23.96 out of my account on 10/5 and again on 11/2 under the name U Save Coupon.

I did not knowingly request there services or authorize them to take funds from my account. They are linked with "cash advance" companies on the internet and have found a way to get you to agree to something without being aware you have done so.

I did not receive any services from these companies. I am out $116.30 and am lucky that it did not cause my account to have insufficient funds. I had to hunt to get information to contact them to have them stop charging my account.

I contacted U Save Coupon first, received a cancellation number and was assured that my account would no longer be charged. I then contacted Online Discount Membership and to my surprise, spoke with the same person I had just talked to from U Save Coupon (though she claimed that it was not). Again I was given a cancellation number and was assured that my account would no longer be charged.

Really... Who the heck would pay for coupons anyway? Kinda defeats the purpose!

Company: Online Discount Membership
Country: USA
Phone: 18662682973
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UClip Coupon
Online discount membership took money out of my checking account without my consent or knowlege

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
U save coupons Took Money Out of My Account Without my Authorization

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
Last Chance Cash Advance, U-Clip U-Save, id theft protection, Online Discount Membership, UClip Coupon, Freedom Royal, Freedom Subscription, Uniguard Fraudulent Check Cashing Minneapolis

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Fraud liberty discount club stole money from my checking accout not authorized

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
Liberty Discount Club illegally scammed bank account

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave

Ripoff... Charged my bank account $9.99 membership fee more than THREE MONTHS AFTER I had CANCELLED membership during the FREE TRIAL period

U-clip coupon
U-save coupon Money was taken from my checking account after I had spoken to a represenative telling her I did not want these services

Web Coupon
They charged my checking account with $19.93, and I did not authorize them to do so. I want the money back!

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
Last chance cash advance, grorcey club discount service, u clip u save liberty discount club took 34,19 from my checking acount also with a fake check with a number of 333856