Florists beware of Teleflora

Internet & Web

Teleflora has been adding ridiculous fees onto it's members for some time now. However the lastest is unethical and absurd. They have notified all members the New Floral Selection Guide has been sent and the cost is $399.00, which will be deducted from our statements. They insist they notified us of this. I was notified of the new guide but never of the price. And to top it off all florists who are members will be getting quarterly updates and marketing kits with a fee of $14.99 monthly added to our statements. As a member of Teleflora, I was never asked if I wanted a new guide, as I was never asked if I wanted a new website layout. Family owned florists across America are closing their doors daily and I don't want to be one of them. We are being taken advantage of by the big guys. I joined Teleflora because of all the wire services I felt they were for the little guy. What happen. I'm sure the thought process here that I joined Teleflora so it is my fault. Almost all florist belong to a wire service such as Teleflora or FTD. I know for a fact that most florist are struggling. I know for a fact that most florist are angry with Teleflora. I cannot fight this big company on my own. Will anyone try to protect small business in this country. I am asking anyone and everyone for help because I am no one in the cog of big business. And by the way, customers in my shop do not use the floral selection guide. Today's customers use my computor to sit and view floral arrangements. This is a ridiculous move Teleflora has made and the florist are paying for it. My option is to quit Teleflora, which I intend to do, but I still am being billed $399.00. I encourage all florist who are members of Teleflora to take a stand today.

Company: Teleflora
Country: USA
Address: 3737 NW 34th St Oklahoma City OK 73112
Phone: 8004212815
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