Windowshopper spam, scam, browser drive by, virus, trojan, malware internet

Internet & Web

As in a previous report from another consumer. The software from this company (windowshopper) installed without my knowledge. However, that would not be a problem if the software could be un-installed. It does not appear in either firefox add ons or extensions lists', and cannot be found using regedit or add remove programs.in the past I have downloaded something I should not have; but usually my firewall / virus scanner / ad blocker deals with it. Unfortunately this form of software distribution from this particular company seems to be accepted by all major virus software makers, and so it resides on my computer. Usacomplaints.com (bookmark added) is the only place where I have found a response from www.superfish.com. I am therefore forced to make my feelings known here, in the hope that something is done about this software. The last complaint was in August. It is now October; new person, old problem.

I have not contacted this Company, and have no intention of supplying them an email address to which they can respond. Would you do either to the maker of any virus on your computer?

And yes, I do consider it malware. This software installs without your knowledge and makes it hard for you to find and remove it. What would you call it?

Company: www.superfish.com
Country: USA
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Mcafee, computer, software

False virus program, took money, gave me a win32: trojan-gen virus, cannot remove or get refund

WCSpay.com / personal Antivirus
Anti-virus software paid for but not installed and no trace of software!

Migo Software
Diable firewall and virus software if you want to use thier products Redwood City California

Sold software that does not work

Consumer Report

Heberth Urrea
Bad service - dell xps 400

$99.99 to remove virus that software was supposed to do

Anti-Virus 360
Anti-virus 360 is a fraud and a scam

Consumer Report