A never ending RIP!

Internet & Web

At this point I feel that I may be brain dead. It happened 2 years ago, but I tried AOL again. This time the broadband, since they are breaking away from Time-Warner, TW could care less if you ever get connected (I'll probably get billed for the box they wont come and get). Any way since AOL so kindly billed me way to early, the payment went back, but they did manage to bill $1 and $5 without any problem. I confirmed all cancellations (tricky if you use dial up to get broadband then you get 2 bills!!!), only to get billed $28.90 in Nov. For a service that was never even close to a due date. They also sell info to others like JP-Media,
their billing coincides, and aol was the only one that has done this in the past. Poor business tactics.

Company: Aol
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Dulles
Address: 22000 Aol Way
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Billing rip-off duplicate billings tennesee

Time Warner cable
Time Warner Road Runner Broadband internet ripoff service, NO service at all

America Online
Aol is a total scam!

Bundled DSL, home phone, and Direct TV a ripoff. Turned over for collection for service AT&T could not deliver. Could not stay connected through DSL> Charlotte, NC Also, Columbia, SC South Carolina
Cricket broadband the speed of cricket broadband slower than dial-up internet internet

AT&T Broadband
Warning!"Due Date" may not mean what you think!

Time Warner/Road Runner
Residential Custome

Broadband National
Ripoff Billed Modem & adapter but shipment not received. Called repeatedly, left mesage, but no callback

America Online, AOL
Dishonest fraudulent billing rude ripoff invasive

New Day Broadband of Arizona
Consumer Report