Remedy Interactive Sausalito
Corupt, greedy. Liars, con artists, scum bags, anal retentive

Internet & Web

Remedy interactive is a farce, they over charge companiesfor a very simple program that is only a pop up window. How they are able toover charge and gouge its corporate clients is a travesy and a big con. Thepeople that work here are the biggest anal re-tenive jerks you would never wantto call your friend. Its every person for them selves its a cuttroatenvironment here and getting help or answers from other employees is very hardand almost impossible to get there mentality is sink or swim if your a new hireforget about getting trained there training program is the worst i have everseen in my life, i have never felt so uncomfortabe in a job like i did workingfor these f*ckers, there a bunch of stuck up self absorbed yuppies with moneyand befriending them is a waste of energy and your time, these are the kind odlow lifes you would rather piss on then be there friends there very unhelpfuland treat you like sh*t on there shoes.

Company: Remedy Interactive Sausalito
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sausalito
Address: ONE HARBOR WAY suite 200
Phone: 4153328433
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Remedy Interactive
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