Remedy Interactive
Dishonest. Unfair to new hires, discriminating, dont do any business with these corrupt jerks

Internet & Web

Remedy interactive over charges for their pop up software, dont buy it
they make a big deal about how great it is when in fact all your buying is pop ups. These people mistreat new hires and fires people without giving them a chance, the worst person there is their ceo kim. She is a racist

Company: Remedy Interactive
Country: USA
State: California
Address: One Harbor Drive, Suite 200
Phone: 4153326433
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Remedy Interactive
Kim-weiss-lopez dishonest. Unfair to new hires, discriminating, dont do any business with these corrupt people

Remedy Interactive Sausalito
Corupt, greedy. Liars, con artists, scum bags, anal retentive

Horrible Expierence! Craig Sparks -
Unreliable, Unprofessional, Horrible Web Designer! Software will break! Beware!

Remedy Interactive
Kim weiss corrupt, dishonest. Nefarious, lies, seedy people work here

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